"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command."
- Jesus Christ [John 15:12-14]
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Dear Friends in Christ,
Thank you for clicking onto this site. We praise God for His love to mankind and how He continues to reach out to those who genuinely want God's Kingdom to come and His will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. We know that our Heavenly Father has made all the effort to lead you here; much grace and many miracles have happened to get you to this ministry. God works through willing hearts to reach out to His hurting children around the world—reaching out to the four corners of the Earth, but are you aware that there are many people who may not have access to the internet or many people who just have no idea that this ministry even exists? There is a cost to reaching out. Think about the grace extended so that you have found these life-changing words that are coming from the Heavens. Now it is time to think of others in need.
Part of obedience to God is reaching out and evangelizing. This effort requires guidance from God and use of the gifts of the entire body of Christ. God is looking for workers. Matthew 9:35-38 says, "Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'"

In addition to needed workers, there is need for ongoing production and publishing. One of the greatest challenges is to get all the words that God is giving out right now and archive these words for the future generations. This life-changing message is being published in every available and needed format—from one-on-one teaching/counseling via the 1-800 number; to live events such as Desert Oasis and ongoing services and Holy Festivals; to video streaming at church and TV Shows; to web and WDWB radio stations; to online eBooks and Seminars; to printed copies of all materials; and then to CD's, DVD's, books, workbooks, etc. God continues to open up new doors as we work on translating His message into various languages and reaching out into new areas such as the Prison Ministry which is bearing much fruit. [Learn More] The message is backed up by music and Symphonies from the Heavens that continue to reinforce the hurting, tested heart. [Learn More] The early church worked around the clock to get the message out by word of mouth to printed copies and by funding missionaries and evangelists.
God is busy, and therefore we need to be busy right now. Please know that no matter what your gift—whether the gift of generosity or otherwise—you are needed. A foot cannot say to a hand…"I have no need of you." [I Corinthians 12] You are needed, and there is no greater love, Jesus said, than to lay your life down for your brother. Those in the Kingdom of God naturally need each other. God's message through Remnant and Weigh Down is…LOVE—love for God first and your brother second [Mark 12:28], and it is the answer to setting you free from your strongholds, and your love will in turn help others. As you have an opportunity to first accept and then extend the love given you, you will find that you will be helped even more in your efforts to be free from your old life. There is no gift too small, for God knows and sees and is pleased. God is not looking for a certain amount of money, for it is God who can take five dollars and bless it. The problem with giving to ministries is that you never know if the money is spent wisely or if the ministry is extending the Truth that sets men free. You can be at peace that neither of these problems are an issue here at Weigh Down nor at Remnant Fellowship, the primary sponsor of Weigh Down Ministries. Perhaps you have been a recipient of some of the free ministry offerings such as the You Can Overcome TV Show, WDWB live radio, the free Weigh Down At Home Package on YouTube, Desert Oasis, Hosanna Symphony, live Webcast Services, etc., Facebook and Accountability Partners, Free Counseling, 1-800 number calls. Learn More about these outreach efforts Most people do not think of the costs to run and maintain the multiple ministries. Imagine all of this not being available to you tomorrow or for your children—the next generation. God is using all these efforts to expand His Kingdom, funding for the prison ministry and reaching out to the brokenhearted and needy world. God is doing a mighty work, and you should know that God is calling you to do a part. Do your part by starting right now to pray that the Lord of the harvest sends out workers into His harvest field and do your part to help these evangelists to reach and help the hurting.

Jesus said you would know them by their fruit. [Matthew 7:16-20] A sign that God and Jesus Christ are at work here is that there is overwhelming evidence of healing from sin and therefore healing from sicknesses and abundant blessings. Because this program is teaching people how to have a relationship with God and to fill their hearts with a deep love for Him, the impacts go far beyond weight loss. Weigh Down Ministries has helped bring families back together, helped people stop overdrinking, stop smoking, stop using illicit drugs, lay down lust and pornography and many other destructive behaviors. People are freed from depression and negative thoughts and receive the full fruits of the true Spirit of God…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. In a world with ever-increasing problems and more and more negative statistics, Weigh Down Ministries is helping turn the tide of destruction to a generation of New Creations! Click here to read about examples of some men whose lives have changed through participating in Weigh Down Ministries. When God is behind a ministry, the Truth will immediately change the recipient—touching any man, woman or child. This is truly God's ministry.
Weigh Down Ministries has been faithfully getting out the words of Jesus as He would have it for over 30 years now. Thousands of pounds of greed have been released by these written and spoken words that have been faithfully spoken from God. As said in Ephesians, no one with idols—and greed is idolatry—can even enter the Kingdom. So this is far beyond weight—this is salvation and the ushering in of the rule and Kingdom of God and of His Christ.
The Kingdom of God is near, and His will is being done, as Weigh Down—as an extension of Kingdom work and His True Church—has greatly influenced the world and God has chosen to work through everyday people like you and me so that His words can get out and continue to impact the world. Yes, there are many ways and places that the words are getting out, but there are many more to go and much left to do. These Prisoners [Learn More] are starved for this information and yet there is such Spiritual Warfare against these words, books, and seminars getting through to each person. It is no different for all the Spiritual Prisoners in this world. This all needs more prayer from the righteous—the obedient, in love with God Saints—and this needs more giving on all of our parts. Giving is a command and it is a part of this obedience. Why did God make it that way? Because where you put your money is where your heart is. [Matthew 6:21] It is one of the barometers of the heart.
God is doing something mighty through this Remnant of believers who want to set the record straight and put God back on His rightful throne and Jesus at His right side. We are continually convicted that we can do more to help all those in need. Jesus said… "And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward."
God is calling you now to do your part… join the Saints in this mission, because as you have experienced here through this ministry… when you know the Truth, the Truth sets you free. [John 8:32] Our prayer is that none of us stop until the whole hurting world hears this God-inspired, truth-filled message that has set man free to love God with all of his heart—the purpose of life. It is not too late—the time is now…
Read this verse
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