Talks That Move Your Heart Set

Breakthrough: Talks that Move Your Heart Audio Package 

This unique set of 5 audio lessons are designed to convict and move the hearts of those who consider themselves stubborn or struggling in their weight loss. If you have lost some weight hit a plateau or want help getting refocused and restarted, these audios are for you.  We pray these strong lessons will move your heart to obey God—to find His will and do what pleases Him.

Available in a CD Set or as an Audio MP3 Download

These individual lessons were recorded live by Gwen Shamblin:

  • Empty
  • Walking with God
  • Remove the High Places
  • You Are That Man
  • Personal Accountability

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by Amy
from Brentwood
Help for a stubborn heart!
These talks are very strong and convicting. They really moved me to stop controlling and doing things that were keeping me from being focused on what God wants.
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